Saturday, October 24, 2009

Getting started - How to earn money online

Hi folks! How's everyone?

I'm sure some of you are excited on knowing how to earn online. We'll as promised, I am here to share my experience with you. Along the way as i earn, I'll take you and show you my take away learning from each site I encounter. I have provided these simple step by step process that may help you be it little or big.

First STEP - Research

The moment I received my first payment for a site that doesn't involve clicking, i was ecstatic! I have tried so many paid to click sites. I have registered, clicked daily but the earning is just too slow. In the process, i learned that referring helps alot however you have to be creative enough to find ways to promote and encourage everyone to join. Imagine all the hard work? When you start trying to earn online, i suggest you enter forums that gives you an idea of how to earn money online. I strongly recommend as well as

There two sites had helped me get started. You'll see dozens of offers from click to paid sites. Be careful! Some of them are SCAMS. From these forums, you can get an idea which site pays and which site doesn't. Read through each comments and study the site. Forums allow you to make your own judgement of whether the site you'll be entering would be time worth spending.

Second STEP - Sign up for a PAYPAL account

Most payments are done most of the time via PAYPAL. Paypal is the most common form of payment. What is paypal? Paypal is a site that secures you as well as the site that pays you of their bank/credit card account. The world is harsh and fill of hackers and we want to be careful of giving out details via the internet. If you have an email, then you can easily sign up for paypal. All you have to do is register to It's really simple. Make sure that you secure you password at all cost. I

Third STEP - Set up a NEW email address

Setting up a new email address allows you to filter your personal emails along with the emails from the website you work for. Earning sites that you join can give you an update almost everyday. But if you know how to filter right, then you can maybe use just one email address, but i do strongly suggest for organizing sake to keep your emails separate.

Well folks, those are the steps i have thus far! Let me know if you have comments to add or any suggestions. I'll be happy to include them in my blog! GOODLUCK!