Friday, February 19, 2010

Hire Me Advertisers!

Hire Me Direct

Advertisers who want me to write articles on their blog, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Use PR to Promote your Website and Blog

Most people starting up a website and blog find it challenging enough to place content on their blog or website, but what they don't know is that promoting the blog is just as hard as placing worthy content on your blog or website.

For you to promote your blog you need to choose communities or groups to join and promote your blog such as That site is true enough getting readers to go to my blogs. The active you are with blogcatalog joining other communities and making friends in that site, the more viewers will visit your blogs.

On the other hand, I found a website rather useful for websites. It can be applicable for blogs but I highly recommend it for website owners who wants to try to promote their business online. Promoting is Marketing and Marketing is to good PR.

What is PR? It's promoting a product or a service in the form of public exposure. You can create a bad or good image just by letting people know of your service. How do you let them know? Well, we have 4 kids of media that produces exposure: Television, Radio, Paper, On-line. While the other 3 costs thousands of dollars, the latter one can costs us as much as a few hundreds to $0.00.

There is this website I found called
Free Press Release that basically allows you to submit stories or press releases. These press releases are distributed by them getting more viewers to read your press release for your website. If you need to correct the public of something bad against your product/service then this would be a generous start. The website is guaranteed and has been existing since 2001.

Should you be interested in Free Press Release and their service you can visit their website at A sure great way to promote! Good luck!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

If O-DESK doesn't work for you, maybe MICROWORKERS will

Last week I've had an office mate who came up to me and said (in Tagalog) "Izza, guess what? I have good news! I finally have an assignment with O-desk!" I stopped and thought how long she'd been waiting for that to happen. I introduced o-desk to her since November and it was only this February that she eventually had gotten a project with O-desk. It took her 4 months in total!

Then I thought about MICROWORKERS. Wouldn't it have been easier if I had introduced MICROWORKERS to her first?

For those who are new to working online and are recently discovering the know-hows of online working, MICROWORKERS is a great start.

Microworkers as the word itself defines, is a site dedicated to small jobs that require a few minutes of your time. Per job is worth as little as $0.10 to $3.00. The harder the job, the higher the payout is. These small jobs can range upto signing up, posting to a forum with the client's link, or clicking on a google ad. The minimum payout is $10 and can be withdrawn via PayPal.

Unlike O-desk, Microworkers no longer requires you to apply, get hired, and get tied down to a required number of hours per week. For those who are unfamiliar with O-desk, Odesk is an online job source that you can apply for and get hired. The rate depends on the employer and their requirement.

With Microworkers, you can choose your time and choose the job you'd like to do. Honestly, I use Microworkers if I don't have any job at O-desk. I've stopped applying for a job in O-desk only because I've gotten tired of getting tied down to an employer for too long. With miroworkers, you get tied down to an employer in minutes! Those are just the benefits. Interesting? Click on my referral link.

And YES, (to be very honest) I do get referral bonus for referring my friends. Goodluck guys!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Maximizing your Blogs and Website Potential

Blogs are everywhere!

Only recently I joined a blog community within my office wherein our objective was to create a voice for the employees of how we feel. Supervisors and agents have joined in to air out their feelings whether it be good and bad. Employee service has been conducting plenty of surveys in getting agents participate and air of their feelings. While the surveys are in place, we have this ongoing community wherein we would blog about our life in the call center. It turned out pretty well, although management had been a little apprehensive about the concept. In fact, they pulled the community out. Instead, we just rehashed the concept and gathered those who have the love for literature and writing. We needed to stand out from our past image and create the a new one. That was the struggle.

Creating an image is a struggle for most blogs and websites out there. The image and the title of your blog should create a recall to the readers. For you to create a successful blog, you must prepare yourself of the message that you are conveying to your readers by choosing a catchy title that would sparkle interest to your readers. Second in line in creating image is your logo.

Some logos may cost a fortune as they are carefully thought about by the professionals. They stand to convey a message to their audience and encourage recall through perception.

There are sites such as Low Cost Custom Logo Design offer services that can make your website blog have a total recall to your audience. These blog may look expensive, but is rather cheap and is only for $27 to boot.

What have you got to lose? Maximize the image you create for your Website and Blog and surely, not only will it drive traffic but it will drive recall to your audience.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Make Money from Blogging

Hi all! Again, it's been awhile. I've recently taken interest all of a sudden in Blogging. I've left all my Paid to click sites on hold for awhile as well as any O-DESK jobs.

As far as accomplishment is concerned, I've finally placed a couple of contents this past few months and have sought ways on how to improve on the layout. I've changed the color from green to pink, added a bunch of widgets but I'm still not satisfied with it. There is so much to explore over the internet and so I much I'd like to add.

Only recently did I bump into another blog that provided tips on how to MAKE MONEY from BLOGGING. Ah! A new found interest all of a sudden. So I thought, why not give it a try.

In effort to do so, the first step I did was to apply this blog to GOOGLE ADSENSE to place ads in my blogs. I applied my blog and after a few days they approved of it! Wonderful! I have no idea how I could generate income from it. I guess I have to learn more about it. From my understanding, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, you generate income from every click you get from the advertisements. So, with this in mind we now go to the topic of GENERATING TRAFFIC from your blog.

This is what I'm currently busy with at the moment. I'm learning about link exchange and trying to get people visit my blog. So, this is the point where I stop.

For now, I'm going to keep on posting for everyone (so keep on reading) and learning as well. I hope I've share a few things with you on how to start your blog.

If you're a professional blogger, please comment, give us tips, ideas and helpful insights. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hi Guys!

I'm sure most of you guys are wondering why I've stopped posting? Well, I have a very simple excuse, I was simply busy. But now, I'm back on track. Well, more or less I should be.

I was inspired by the idea of continuing this blog to help out my colleagues who need information about how to make money online. These days job security has been a big question at the work place, so it's important that we prepare ourselves for the worse. Even if your job security is stable, its still important that you have cash stashed somewhere to make you feel at ease. Recently, the people I'm with at the moment are mostly mom's who are currently troubled with financial worries.

In the next few blogs, I plan to release a review per money making sites I've encountered and discovered. For today I'm going to review about

Click on the BANNER AD and sign up.

TREKPAY is a site dedicated mostly to blogs and website owners who needs to drive traffic (or site visitors) to their own work. Trekpay need people to click on their clients advertisements.

Our job is to visit the client's site almost everyday. Trekpay gathers all the site owners into one webpage that allow us to readily click client ads. How do we earn? Simple, we get credits per click or visit on each site. Each credit increases our rank and at the end of each week, you get paid based on what rank you have. The higher your rank the bigger your weekly pay is.

Apart from clicking you can also refer members to the site to increase your rank. This site is legitimate and proven as I have received a payment myself already for $5.5o for just religiously clicking their website everyday.

The minimum payout $5.50 and is made via paypal. Please leave a comment if you have any questions about trekpay.